September 2024
All the rest shipping
July 2024
First 1K shipping
June 2024
Production CLVX 1 (first 1K batch)
April 2024
Launch on Kickstarter
December 2023
Pilot run of CLVX 1
Winter-Spring 2023
T0-T3 iterations - successful completion of four pre-production stages of CLVX 1
Autumn 2022
Completion of all molds for CLVX 1
Autumn 2022
Introduction of the first TouchOnKeys® sample with Touch RGB Backlight
Spring 2022
Initiation of the CLVX 1 project under our own brand
Spring 2021
Production of the first engineering sample of a laptop with the second generation of TouchOnKeys®
Summer 2020
Commencement of the development of the second generation of TouchOnKeys® technology
Spring 2020
Release of the second product featuring the first generation of TouchOnKeys® technology
December 2019
lunch of the first product with the first generation of TouchOnKeys® technology to the market
Summer 2018
Assembly of the first pre-production sample featuring the first generation of TouchOnKeys® technology at the factory
May 2017
Incorporation of Clevetura
Summer 2016
Creation of the first handmade TouchOnKeys® sample

Live now on Indiegogo